Based in the south-eastern part of Finland, not far away from the Russian-Finnish border, Toplift Finland Oy is a company specializing in the manufacture and servicing of heavy vehicles. The company was registered in 1992, however its expertise and professional competence of its employees was built up for over 45 years. Known for its durable products and well thought technical solutions Toplift has earned solid reputation among Finnish truck trailer and equipment manufacturers. Supply reliability, punctuality and flexibility combined with extensive experience and professional competence form a sound foundation for strong relationships with customers and suppliers.
Our business activity is based on a customer-oriented and comprehensive approach. We are eager to supply a customer with an appropriate product capable of providing an efficient and reliable service to its owner. A carrier’s task is to bring cargo to a destination whereas a motor vehicle’s task is to ensure faultless operation. Our top level professionalism, continuous improvement of our work methods along with a cohesive and enthusiasm inspired team underpin high quality of Toplift products. Quality speaks for itself.
Impossible made possible

Automotive equipment produced by the company includes truck trailers and superstructures for any motor vehicles – from light distribution trucks to heavy haulage road trains. We are also suppliers of specialized automotive vehicles where our expertise in hydraulic systems is applied. Our principal product line includes road trains for wood chip and peat transportation equipped with chain-driven discharge conveyor or with side-dump body.
Our aim is to develop and manufacture products in strict compliance with customer requirements. High level of professional competence, long-term experience and excellent proficiency in regulatory framework form sound foundation for guaranteed quality and cost effectiveness of the end result.
Toplift bears full responsibility for the overall order execution and operating performance of all equipment supplied by us with the sole exclusion of the vehicle itself (chassis) covered by a manufacturer warranty.
Our product lines

Managing Director Repairshop
Janne Ikäheimonen
020 7669 217

Sales and marketing
Jarkko Lempiäinen
020 7669 203